Sweet potatoes mashed with orange juice and spices

Sweet potatoes mashed with orange juice and spices


Orange Mashed Sweet Potatoes

This is mostly to taste.

The sweet potatoes and orange should be one-to-one.  That is, if you are only doing 1 sweet potato, you need just 1 orange.  If you have more people to feed, use 4 sweet potatoes, and you will need 4 oranges.

2 large sweet potatoes

2 large naval oranges

Spice blend of cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg to your taste. A pumpkin pie spice blend might fit the bill for you if you don’t want to mix your own.

1 Tablespoon butter

Salt to taste

Peel and cube sweet potatoes into 1 inch cubes.  Place in a sauce pan and add water to cover.  Bring to boil and boil for approximately 20 minutes.  Check with a fork at 15 minutes for tenderness.

Meanwhile, juice the oranges and set aside.

When the sweet potatoes are tender, drain and return to the pan for mashing.  Once the potatoes are mashed, begin adding orange juice and stirring to blend.  The 1:1 ratio should work, but you can taste as you go to see if you want to add more orange juice.

Stir in 1 tsp of the spice blend, and again taste and add more to your own taste.  Stir in 1 Tablespoon of butter, and add a few grinds of coarse sea salt.  Blend thoroughly until smooth.


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